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+61 (0) 26140 5311

What’s new in Australian Immigration law for 2019? – PART 1 (partner visas)

There are a lot of changes afoot in the world of Australian Immigration Law. 2019 will be a busy year. Over the next few posts we will highlight some of the changes that are likely to occur and how they may affect you:

Starting with the partner visa – we have previously talked about the fact that now the amends to the Family Violence Bill has been passed by the senate, partner visas are likely to have increased processing times. This is because the sponsorships have to be approved before the actual application can be lodged. In short, if you are not of good character or have a checkered history there is a chance you will not be approved as a sponsor. If you are unsure as to how to progress with a partner visa, or need questions answered regarding your plans to be a sponsor or get sponsored please do contact us and we would be very happy to assist you.